It is official. I am spending too much time on The Huffington Post, as this is my second blog entry about it…and in a row??
So…I made a comment today on HuffPo. Someone responded. Actually a few people did. I attempted to reply to one of the responses and continue the discussion but my reply was not posted.
I know…it is not my website. They can post whatever they want and reject whatever they want, though recently I admit to being confused about why certain harmless comments are not posted. It is slightly frustrating when you are essentially trying to continue a conversation.
Also recently, I posted a comment that did not appear on its thread an hour later …maybe even longer. I eventually posted it three times. Then all three comments appeared on the thread!?! So what happened during that 1 to 1/2 hours? Where were those three comments? Is it a computer thing? A human thing?
How long should we wait before we can assume that our comment has been rejected? HuffPo needs some sort of system…perhaps a tab on our profile page that shows comments that are in moderation (even if only visible to the user) and then a check or cross next to the comment once it has been posted or rejected?
So…I know basically…well, actually nothing about HTML, but I decided to Google, learn something new and try something out. Might work? Might not?
Some comments made on The Huffington Post, but not posted, that I am linking to, here:
My reply not posted: I am laughing so hard right now. Thank you Saskia2424.
But thank you most of all for making my friend Paige laugh. She is L(her)AO right now on my webcam that you think I am infantilizing women...and she is very sick and you are making her THANK YOU.
Did not intend to infantilize women. You accusing me of it is certainly a first.
I just like that word. I don't watch Scrubs but same idea.
There was a very emotional scene on Grey's Anatomy where Dr. Miranda Bailey, who often comes across as tough as nails, is kinda loosing it. She is in labour and her husband may be dying in surgery. She is basically refusing to push. Her intern George gets behind her, holds her up and talks to her in a way that gets her to push. During one light hearted moment in an otherwise emotionally tense and dramatic scene:
Dr. Bailey: "O'Malley!"
Dr. George O'Malley: "Yes, ma'am?"
Dr. Bailey: "Stop looking at my va-jay-jay!"
Dr. George O'Malley: "Yes, ma'am."
For whatever reason, that scene was very powerful to me. I loved it and I liked that word…vajayjay.
I have been to the Vagina Monologues. I have no problem saying vagina. I make sure I use the correct term when speaking to children in the family..."Yes, boys have a penis and girls have a vagina"...but I prefer vajayjay..because of that scene, I think. :)
Comment Two: June 20. 2010 3:12AM
My comment not posted: Clearly having anything to do with yachts sailing on a body of clean water when your company has maimed another body of DUMBA*S... but we already know Tony Hayward and PR are... like... well... oil and water.
Apparently, Tony was spending time with his son. I do not begrudge him that. Children need to spend time with their parents, even if said parents have F - - - ed up the Gulf. I just wish he could have gone to his child’s soccer game instead of well you know…yachts and a clean body of water.
Now, at some point we are ALL going to have to stop screaming at BP, after they pay for the damages of course, and look at the man in the mirror. We are all responsible for this mess, not just BP and Tony Hayward…ALL OF US!
Comment Three: June 26.2010 c. 12:30 AM
My comment not posted: Freedom of speech does not depend on the medium. It is either free speech or it is subject to limitations. If the President is going to be given the power to shut down the internet for 120 days, that is no different than giving him the power to shut down the telephone system for 120 days or to declare that no newspapers can be delivered for the next 120 days or that those found standing in the city centre expressing their freedom of speech en masse by demonstrating will be gagged for the next 120 days. He has just been given enormous power to shut down freedom of speech and it is not okay.
Trying one last time to post it:
Comment Four: July 13.2010 5:00 PM
My comment not posted:
"In their minds, cash will placate a human population whose dignity is being constantly assailed at the end of Zionist guns. "
I have often used the phrase, Palestinians being denied dignity at the end of a gun. Israel thinking that cash will placate a human population being denied human dignity is just another myth Israelis tell themselves. The Apartheid state is unsustainable. Israelis need to stop telling themselves all the myths they do about how this can turn out; Israel can either do right by the Palestinians or there will EVENTUALLY be no "Jewish" state.
Comment Five: August 2.2010 6:56PM
My comment not posted:
The treatment of migrant workers is a problem extending far beyond the borders of Israel. I feel it is immoral to encourage the use of migrant labor in any country long term and expect workers to be single without families. If you endorse the use of people’s labor long term on your land, I feel you owe then the opportunity of eventual citizenship. I assume that Israel’s recent decision must contravene the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, but I do not know if they are a signatory. Because of Israel’s defined Zionist character and their admission of this decision is necessary to maintain Israel’s Jewish character it is xenophobic by nature but many decisions adopted to maintain non pluralistic states will inherently be so. If Israel wants to engage in such immigration decisions, then I think they should focus on preventing worker immigrants from entering the country and not punish children for the failed policies of adults.
YEAH!!! Tried again at 8:38 PM and it was posted this time:
Comment Six: Future Date
Thread: X
My comment not posted: