Saturday, December 04, 2010

Julian Assange: Hero or Horror?

I have just read a passionate criticism of Julian Assange by Huffington Post Former Associate News Editor Larry Womack.  My attempt at a HuffPo comment is too long and so has become a blog post instead.


Julian Assange: is he a hero or a horror?  He appears to be polarizingly one or the other these days or at least that is the picture being drawn

Everyone plays a role in society, a function of their personality, parenting, health and worldview.  In order to be healthy, a society needs many roles to be played.  Julian Assange is clearly a shit disturber.  We need shit disturbers in society at every point in history.  Too many people are sheep and question little about what is done in their name.  Dude is clearly no sheep!

“So it is difficult for me to look across the blogosphere today and see one show of support after another for a man who has consistently shown himself to have no ethical standards as a journalist, blogger or human being.”…Larry Womack, Huffington Post, Dec.4.2010

Some might accuse journalists these days of having an unacknowledged level of jealousy toward Julian Assange, self-identified non-journalist, who has exposed more secrets of late than any professional journalist.  In Larry Womack’s Huffington Post piece, his point is clearly one of ethics and his great displeasure at the appearance of broad support for in his judgement an unethical WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

I obviously cannot explain the basis of support for each person across the blogosphere but perhaps the difficulty in grasping support for Julian Assange is simply a misunderstanding of exactly what that support entails.

Maybe…it is support on balance but it is not all encompassing.

The Ethics Of Wikileaks

I have not commented on the ethics of Julian Assange online or among my friends because I feel that I would first have a duty to read every word he has released and I have not read every word WikiLeaks has released.

Along with other ethical considerations, I would personally not choose to release documents that would endanger a human being without soberly weighing how humanity would be served by endangering a life.  I am confident based on what I am aware WikiLeaks has released that Julian and I would make different decisions on what to release and/or in what form.  That said, that does not mean that I do not support him because partly I do, though I cannot identify my level of support if one had to put a number on it.

For me, WikiLeaks is a message much more important than whatever Julian has released yesterday or will release tomorrow. Julian Assange has elucidated a message about secrecy and power.

You know when you have one of those nanny shows and the parents are screaming “fix my problem child” and the nanny looks knowingly into the camera non-verbally communicating to the audience that the problem is much bigger than the child’s present behaviour.  Julian may in fact simply be an anarchist and therefore problematic, though at this point in time I do not accept that characterization of him (or at least it is far too simplistic) but for me all this screaming about whether Julian is a hero or horror ignores the bigger picture of what the WikiLeaks phenomenon is elucidating about secrecy and power in our 2010 world.  The ethics questions in each of those documents are to my mind much more important to the fabric of our society long term than the short term thinking noise we are presently focusing on.

Contrasting the ethics of mainstream journalism and WikiLeaks as Larry Womack has done is a valid comparison.  But for me anyway, getting lost in the ethics of what Julian has released yesterday or today is missing a bigger picture question about what we release and what we keep secret and whether the balance is in our best interests OR whether it is simply power for power’s sake.

Is Julian a hero or a horror?  I have not decided yet but I pray we will not all get lost in whatever moves threatened-secret-power inevitably makes to try and stop him and that we will choose instead to focus on the questions of secrecy and power that affect our 2010 lives. 

“The question is not, as so many seem to believe, government corruption or WikiLeaks. The question is responsible coverage of legitimate government wrongdoing or lives lost on a megalomaniac's whim.”…Larry Womack, Huffington Post, Dec.4.2010

That is the question for Larry Womack.  I have others.

  • What do we keep secret in our 2010 world…and why?  The stalkerazzi knows more about what schools the children of celebrities attend then we know about our own government.
  • Do these 2010 secrets we keep serve our best interests or are they just secrecy for power’s sake?
  • Who we are is where we draw our lines.   Where should we draw those lines between secrecy and power?
  • If we make our government’s actions more transparent will we get better government?
  • Do more professional journalists need to be doing what Julian Assange is doing with the addition of the ethically hard work of redacting for innocence and safety? (though given that telling the truth is now being treated as treason, some might understandably be scared at the present intimidation tactics of the powerful)

We each have our own ethics.  Julian Assange has his.  Larry Womack, professional journalist has his.  I have mine.  Instead of focusing on the ethics of whatever Julian has released today, maybe we should be having a broader conversation about the ethics of secrecy and power.  Because if we do not know what our government is doing in our name, then is it really OUR government?

Support for Julian Assange

Larry Womack seems confounded by what seems to him to be broad support for an unethical Julian Assange.  Perhaps it is only that Julian Assange’s supporters are willing to take the bad with the good because they are so desperate for truth and for something that is for the PEOPLE and not the secret powerful!  Maybe that!

Next Blogum: January 2011

Sage Spencer

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Before the June 2009 Webby Awards, The Huffington Post had a blog posting asking for five word entries for Arianna Huffington’s Webby acceptance speech.  I think it would be a fascinating posting to do the same for “What WikiLeaks means to you.”

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Death of Tyler Clementi – One Month Later.

SS_October292010_TylerClementi2 One month ago today, September 30th 2010, a body that was pulled the day before from the Hudson River was identified.  This body belonged to the soul that was Rutgers student Tyler Clementi.  On September 22nd 2010 Tyler committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge, after his Rutgers college roommate and roommate's friend allegedly internet-streamed his sexual encounter with another guy.

I haven’t forgotten.  Have you?

I tried to blog about this tragedy when it occurred but nothing came.  I could not write a word; not even a title.  All I felt was numb. 

We must NOT forget this tragedy.  We must NOT forget Tyler Clementi.  His suicide is a call to action.  Are we listening?  Our society must change! 

We have to rid this society of our contributions to the death of Tyler Clementi.  Yes, we are all complicit, even those like myself who are quite sure we do not have a homophobic bone in our bodies.  What contributed to the death of Tyler Clementi?  Our sick society. 

Yes, we are living in a sick society, one that is discriminating against a minority group of our citizens, LGBT individuals.  A group of Americans are suffering and it is our collective fault.

We are not respecting our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (Intersex) citizens in their full humanity as Jesus taught us to do.  If we were, they would be equal citizens in this democracy and not second class citizens.  Presently LGBT individuals are denied the full score of rights and protections enjoyed by the majority, straight citizens and citizens born of only one gender.  LGBT individuals are not legally equally to us.  We are treating our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender citizens as less human than the rest of us.  Our country, the land of the free is not so free for this minority and our land of the brave is cowardly in its treatment of this minority.  Some might call this tyranny of the majority.   

What can we do? Ten thoughts!

1. Look in the mirror DUDE!  Every single one of us!

SS_October292010_LGBTHave you ever laughed or remained silent when someone uses the homophobic slurs of ‘fag’ or ‘gay’.  If so, then you are complicit in this problem.

Search your heart and consider making a life decision to never remain silent again in the presence of homophobic language.  Be part of the solution!

“Hey dude, don’t use homophobic slurs around me.  Not cool.”

2. If THE adults lead, THE children will follow.

Children learn what they live.

 P1020455   P1020456

One of my first thoughts after hearing the entire hateful tale was to wonder what moral compass the parents of Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei had instilled in their children.  I would love to hear the Ravis and Weis explanations of how they raised children to become adults who saw nothing wrong with streaming a gay roommates private sex life onto the internet and twittering about it like it was a joke.  Tolerance begins in the home. Or not!

If we want children and teenagers to stop homophobic bullying then we, the adults, have to stop teaching it, stop doing it ourselves, stop remaining silent about discrimination against LGBT citizens and stop sanctioning it with our discriminatory laws. 

If you are a parent, please look in the mirror and ask yourself if you are teaching your children homophobia.  I offer the following personal anecdote: I never heard my parents utter a single homophobic remark.  I therefore assumed they were not.  As it turns out my father is homophobic.  I learned this a couple of years ago from one physical response he had to a discussed situation.  I am grateful that I made it into my twenties before finding that out.  My brothers are not homophobic.  Maybe his keeping it to himself helped them too? 

3. If you have power…USE it for GOOD!


  • Every CEO, teacher, principal, union rep, elected official, celebrity can use their power to speak out against homophobic bullying.  You have an audience.  You have sway.  Use it for GOOD!

Dan Savage's It Gets Better Project videos are an example of using power for Good!

If you are a gay, lesbian or transgendered celebrity, then you have extra special powers to help, if you choose to use them.  If it was up to me, LGBT celebrities would talk to kids in schools across the country.

  • Every leader of an organization needs to ask him/herself if they have publicly stated that their organization is LGBT friendly.

One of my best friends, who is gay, works for a US based multinational.  He is rising very fast at this company given his age.  He is VERY good at his job.  Last year he confided to me that he is thinking of moving to Europe in a couple of years.  He believes that there is zero chance of him getting to where he is capable of getting to at this company if he comes out of the closet.  He does not want to continue to have ‘girlfriends’ and wants to ultimately bring a husband to the company Christmas party.  I of course do not want him to move.

4. Every school and every business in America must publicly sign a Bullying-Safe Schools and Workplaces Policy.

(unlike what Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei allegedly put on the internet, this is something that should be put on the internet)


This policy should include at least four things:

  • Clearly defined language that includes bullying against LGBTQ individuals;
  • Names and signatures, first of every CEO and every principal and teacher followed by every employee and student;
  • Clearly defined consequences for acts of homophobic bullying; and
  • An identified individual to whom acts of bullying are to be reported and who is held responsible for what happens next.  The name of this person must be publicly available and updated annually.  A good day for that annual update would be September 22, in memory of Tyler Clementi.  This would serve as a statement that no other LGBT individual has to endure the hostility of homophobic bullying, that there are schools and workplaces that will not tolerate it and something will be done about it if they speak up.

SS_October292010_ChristTeachingChildren With respect to schools, every child needs to be taught about bullying:  what it looks like, what it sounds like and to tell on the bullies.  Sadly, this is because many children are bullied at home and a child who knows cruelty from those who are supposed to love him/her will normalize it in their brains in order to survive.  If we are going to stop bullying in the school systems we must take care of the bully children as well who are for the most part just victims of bigger bullies themselves.  And any teacher that condones or promotes bullying, for any reason, needs to be fired.

5. If you are LGBT and in the closet, please commit to not hiding in hostility, as I call it.

SS_October292010_LGBTFlag You do not have to come out of the closet.  If you chose to, the timing should be up to you.  But please, do not make LGBT discrimination worse by engaging in hostility toward people just like you, in order to hide your sexual orientation or gender.  Staying silent in the face of homophobia, while still complicit, is less bad.  Choose silence over hostility.

My gut tells me that Dharun Ravi is gay and hiding in hostility, that he has been raised in a manner where he believes that he will never get to live who he really is and was being a curious voyeur so he could watch what he feels he can’t have in his life. 

6. DADT is morally wrong, unconstitutional and must be repealed.

SS_October292010_DADT As long as we say that if you are gay and not straight you are not fit to defend this country,  the United States as a country is a bigot.  We have no moral authority to lead on this issue as long as the country itself is a bigot!

7.  We must fight until same sex marriage is allowed across the country.

SS_October292010_SameSexMarriage Civil unions are not marriage.

The Defence of Marriage Act is unconstitutional and must be repealed.

I speak to this point as a Christian.  We are not talking about forcing religious institutions to marry anyone they refuse to for religious reasons.  All couples, opposite sex and same sex should be allowed to be married civilly or by any house of worship that supports same sex marriage.  Anything less is calling LGBT citizens less.  Separate is not equal. 

8. We cannot wait, thinking it will get easier when more bigots die off. 

SS_October292010_Bigots Increasing human rights always involves bold steps that will make some groups of society uncomfortable or outright angry.

Bigots don’t die off; they raise more bigots.  If we had waited until everyone who was prejudiced against African-Americans died off, we would not have a biracial President right now.  Illegitimate hatred never dies; it just finds a new scapegoat.

9. Brainstorm with friends for other ideas ordinary citizens can do to help make America less hostile to its LGBT citizens.

A couple more examples: 

SS_October292010_FavoriteTVShowWrite to the producers and writers of your favorite TV show asking that they write in a LGBTorQ character.  If it doesn’t happen, keep writing.

SS_October292010_AlmaMaterWrite to your alma mater and tell them that any annual giving on your part is suspended until they put in place a LGBT bullying policy like that one mentioned in point 4 above.  Tell them that you do not want YOUR school to be complicit in the death of a LGBT student who complains about homophobic bullying without actions being taken on the victim’s behalf.

10. Make a LGBT friend.

SS_October292010_MakeANewFriend I challenge every self-defined straight homophobic, every anti-same-sex marriage, every anti-repeal DADT individual to make a gay, lesbian or transgender friend.  Or more than one.

If you take me up on this challenge, you will become less homophobic and transphobic.  We can only dehumanize people when a see them as the other.  If you make a close friend with someone who is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender you will see that other than sexual orientation and gender they are mostly just like you. 

We can prevent future Tyler Clementis from committing suicide!

Each one of us can do something to make this country a less hostile place for our fellow Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender citizens.

SS_October292010_ForTHeChildren In fact we MUST do something.  We have no moral authority as adults in this society to expect any different than we are presently getting from children as long as we are participating in this discrimination with our silence and our sanction.

SS_October292010_Dharun RaviANDMollyWei This is not just about the alleged crimes of Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei.  Putting Dharun and/or Molly in jail, while just, if they did what they are alleged to have done, will not prevent future Tylers from committing suicide.  Only we can do that. 

We are all children of God: gay, straight, bisexual and transgender.  This country needs to live up to its promise for all of its citizens and STOP failing its LGBT ones.  The time is now!

This a human rights issue.  We must stop emboldening the bullies with legal LGBT discrimination.  We all need to stop colluding in denial that we are not part of what happened to Tyler. 

If American girls were committing suicide because of the hostility they felt toward them because they are girls, what would we do?  That is what we MUST do…NOW!

We can do this!  We can fringe out the bigots by mainstreaming the love!

Join me?

Next Blogum: December 2010

Sage Spencer

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 13.2010: The Copiapó Chilean Miners. What Humanity CAN do!

Are you watching, like the rest of the world as the Copiapó Chilean miners are rescued?  Or are you asleep, missing the awesomeness of the first rescues but will watch when you awake? 

Until 70 days ago, many in the world could not place Copiapó Chile on a map.  I was one of those.


Now, Copiapó Chile will go down in history for accomplishing the impossible.

It was impossible that the 33 miners had survived the collapse of 700,000 tons of collapsed rock at the San José copper-gold mine on August 5, 2010.  But it wasn’t!

It was impossible that all 33 had survived 17 days.  But it wasn’t! SS_October2010_The33ofusarefineintheshelter

It would be impossible to get the miners out from 2,300 feet/ 700 metres under the earth.  But it wasn’t!  Not when mining experts and countries across the world got together and fought the good fight.  The fight for life.

This is what humanity CAN do:

SS_October2010_Miner1_FlorencioÁvalos SS_October2010_Miner2_MarioSepúlveda SS_October2010_Miner3_JuanIllanes SS_October2010_Miner4_CarlosMamani 

I understand that the first four miners are the strongest and then the following ten who will surface have health concerns.  I will wait until the fifth miner Jimmy Sanchez, is rescued before going to bed.  I wish I did not have to work tomorrow and could watch it every moment by moment.


Five miners have now been rescued.  Twenty-eight miners still await their rescue to be followed to the surface by four of their rescuers, four of a reported 1,000 people who have all played a part in their rescue!

This story is far from over.  Stories of mine safety and working conditions are no doubt to surface after the euphoria passes.

With the help of a large group of humanity working together and mining brothers from across the world sharing their time and their talents, it looks like 33 lives will be saved from the impossible.  If we can do this, what else can WE, Humanity, do?


Roughly 24 Hours Later:

The last rescue worker waves goodbye from 2300 feet below and enters the Fenix 2 for the ride back to LIFE!

SS_October2010_LastRescueWorkerAboutToEnterCapsuleForRideToSurface SS_October2010_ViewFromCameraAboveCapsule


And all the miners and rescue workers are now safe.




Next Blogum: November 2010

Sage Spencer

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Letter to Tea Partiers and all others who wish to abandon Network Neutrality!

Please do not offer the world an opportunity to kick our internet ass!

I have just read a post on The Huffington Post indicating that Tea Partiers wish to abandon network neutrality and that they have inexplicably called network neutrality

“an affront to free speech and free markets."

This post began as a comment to that article but due to length has turned into a blog post.

Dear Tea Partiers and all others who wish to abandon network neutrality:

Network neutrality is not an affront to free speech and free markets.  It is in fact quite the opposite.  Network Neutrality is a communication principle that allows for an  INCREASE in the exercise of free speech and is a principle that makes markets FREER.  Anyone who has told you differently is not telling you the truth.SS_August2010_FreeSpeech

Network Neutrality is not something new.


  Network Neutrality is also not a plot by the present government or any other government to control us in any way.


Network Neutrality is a communication principle that the Net has been operating under since its inception.

This communication principle allows you and me, the internet users, to be treated as equals when we use the internet…one of us may be paying for temporary access at a public internet café while the other may have a dedicated computer room in a house with a fourteen car garage. Network Neutrality means that my traffic on the internet is not more or less important than yours.


It is the same principle that another communications tool has operated under since before my great gran was born.   That other communications tool would be the telephoneSS_August2010_FirstTelephoneCall.  This principle guarantees that when I phone my great gran, my telephone company does not get to discriminate against my call going through before my neighbour’s does…because they happen not to appreciate my great gran protesting their investment in blood diamonds, outside their company headquarters each week.  Network Neutrality, as a general rule, disallows discriminatory or preferential treatment of  communications.  A Canadian internet example of a corporation being non-neutral can be read here: Telus Blocks Consumer Access to Labour Union Web Site and Filters an Additional 766 Unrelated Sites

Recently, two large corporations, Google and Verizon, have banded together, in what some might call an internet mafia, in order to devise a new set of rules that they would like to see the internet function by.  They have decided that they no longer want to operate uSS_August2010_Wirelessnder the Network Neutrality communication principle that the Net has been operating under until now, and they would like to abandon this communication principle... for wireless communications and other yet to be determined “new services”.  

Presently, YOU the internet user get to decide what you see on the internet; you the user have that FREEDOM and that POWER.  Abandoning Net Neutrality transfers that freedom and power from YOU to the CORPORATION. 

If we the internet users were to lose Network Neutrality, then a few large corporations would gain certain opportunities to control us for profit. We would be giving up a freedom and power we presently enjoy and then agreeing to pay a corporation in the future in order to exercise that freedom, in whatever way they choose to allow us exercise it.

Profits US Dollars Moneyare a great thing.  Business is the engine of the economy. Both of those do not mean that what Google and Verizon are asking for is in your best interests or the best interests of businesses… other than their own.

Yes, in the short term, abandoning Network Neutrality creates the potential opportunity of profits for a few large corporations. In the long term, it will create a very different internet than the one that has existed until now. Abandoning Network Neutrality will create an internet with less competition and less innovation, both of which are bad for business… unless you are a monopoly or near monopoly.  It will also offer other countries who retain the freer markets that Network Neutrality provides the opportunity to kick our internet ass.

If you are voting to abandon Network Neutrality then know that you are voting to abandon the free market principle of a level playing field.  When we play against each other on the soccer field both our teams get to field 11 players. We don’t know who will win but we agree to play by the same rules.  SS_August2010_LevelPlayingField Network Neutrality has created a level playing field on the internet which has fuelled new businesses. Network Neutrality is great for competition, innovation and new business.

By voting to abandon Network Neutrality, you are also voting to allow a few large corporations to make short term profits at the expense of long term competition, innovation and business development on and of the internet.

We must thoughtfully consider whether enforceable rules are necessary to allow for the continuation of this level playing field that has created successful businesses originating in garages, homes, dorm rooms and basements?

TheSS_August2010_TheTelephone2 Internet will soon become as much a  necessity as the telephone before it.   It is in the public’s best interest to think seriously about Network Neutrality at this point in time.  Two large corporations are proposing abandoning it on wireless, which is the future of the internet, therefore defacto abandoning it.  This decision involves, at the very least, questions of freedom of expression, questions of access to a technology that will soon be as fundamental as the telephone and questions of fair business competition. 

SS_August2010_TheInternet3 PLEASE, think seriously about Network Neutrality before you agree to abandon something that you will NEVER get back!

Next Blogum: October 2010

Sage Spencer

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July.20.2010 – Something Went Wrong With My HuffPo ‘My Comments’ Tab Overnight?

Dear Huffington Post Tech Department:

There is something wrong with my My Comments Tab today, July 20. 2010.

I went to bed and it was working fine but today a whole slew of my comments are not visible from many different threads.

I will post stats and explanatory image below.

Between July 1st and last night, I:

Made 105 Comments

91 were allowed and posted until today.

14 were not posted

As of today, only 9 of the 91 posted are visible on My Comments tab

Where did my 82 comments go?

I have created detailed images below accounting for the comments from most recent going back to July 1st 2010. 

July 14 16:41:18 to July 20 19:40 PM-      49 Missing Comments


July 1 18:40:17 to July 14 16:41:18-       28 Missing Comments


July 1 14:10:56 to July 1 18:40:17-          4 Missing Comments


July 1 13:27:58 to July 1 14:10:56 – No Missing Comments


July 1 12:18:44 to July 1 13:27:58 –         1 Missing Comment


I can go back farther if you want but since whatever happened, happened last night, it is probably not necessary as it all happened around the same time.

I can give you help to identify the relevant comments individually if you need (or just identify the 14 that were not posted) but I figure someone at HuffPo will know what happened and that is likely unnecessary.

Thanks for your help,

Sage Spencer


UPDATE JULY 22, 2010 12:22 AM

My original problem is described above.  It was basically that 82 comments disappeared overnight from my My Comments tab.

I logged on very briefly at some point after I contacted you and I thought it looked like the problem had been solved so I do not now if this is a new problem or if you are working on the My Comments tab system-wide?

But as of now, July 22, 2010 12:22AM, I can only see two pages of comments when they are sorted on the My Comments tab by the sort “ALL”, the oldest page of my comments (though it says it is the newest) and one other page of recent comments (though not my newest)

I will attach explanatory images below though you can just go to:

try it and you will see it for yourself.

IMAGE ONE: My Comments Tab Sorted by “ALL” and “Newest First” is displaying OLDEST FIRST? e-HuffPo_July22_1222am_ImageOne

IMAGE TWO: Pressing the right arrow button in IMAGE ONE gets me these quite new comments as opposed to those next in THE timeline?


IMAGE THREE: Pressing the left arrow button in Image Two brings me back to my oldest comments, one of only two comment pages that will display under the sort ALL?


Thanks for your help,

Sage Spencer


UPDATE August 2, 2010 2:12 AM

My original problem is described above. 

1. It was basically that on July 20. 2010 I noticed that 82 comments had disappeared overnight from my My Comments tab.

- You corrected that.  Thank you.

2. I then updated you on July 22.2010 that I could only see two pages of comments when my My Comments tab was sorted by ALL.

- You corrected that.  Thank you again.

Now as of August 2. 2010 and since I last contacted you there is a new/similar issue with my comments?

IMAGE ONE: July 27.2010

I have made 718 Comments but only 698 are displaying?  Why are the other 20 Comments Not Displaying?



IMAGE TWO:  August 2.2010

Since Image One ABOVE, I have made “1” additional comment.  It does show that I now have 719 Comments (correct) but now only  672 display.  So now 47 are not displaying??


Thanks for your help again,

Sage Spencer


UPDATE August 3, 2010 4:39PM

Last time I contacted you, yesterday, I had made:

  • 719 Comments - Correct
  • Only 672 were being displayed
  • 47 were missing from display

As of 4:39PM today, I have now made:

  • 724 Comments – Correct
  • But now only 640 are displaying.
  • Including new comments, I have lost another 32 comments overnight?

Where have 79 of my Comments gone?


Thanks for your help,

Sage Spencer


UPDATE August 4, 2010 2:40PM

Last time I contacted you, yesterday August 3, I had made:

  • But only 640 were displaying.
  • Including new comments, I had lost another 32 comments overnight and was then missing 79 in total?

As of 2:40PM today, I have now made:

  • 9 new comments since last time I contacted you, 8 of which were posted
  • So, ignoring the one comment not posted yesterday would equal my having made 733 Comments now
  • My comment profile now says I have made 642 comments and is displaying 639
  • So including new comments made (and posted, 8) since I last contacted you, I have lost another 9 comments overnight from display.


Why have I lost 88 comments from display HuffPo? 

Thanks for your help,

Sage Spencer


UPDATE August 5, 2010 2:54PM

Last time I contacted you, yesterday August 4, I had made:

  • 9 new comments since last time I contacted you, 8 of which were posted
  • So, ignoring the one comment not posted yesterday would equal my having made 733 Comments now
  • My comment profile now says I have made 642 comments and is displaying 639
  • So including new comments made (and posted, 8) since I last contacted you, I have lost another 9 comments overnight from display.

As of 2:54 PM today, I have now made:

  • My comment profile now says I have made 642 comments and is displaying 613
  • So since I last contacted you, I have lost another 26 comments overnight from display.


In Summary

When I first contacted you on this issue:

  • July 20.2010:  At least 82 comments had disappeared overnight from my My Comments tab (the 82 I identified were 82 of 91 that were posted between July 1st – July 20th)
  • I believe they briefly reappeared
  • July 22.2010: Then I could only display two particular pages of comments (my oldest page and one recent)
  • July 27,2010: 718 comments made, only 698 displaying
  • August 2.2010: 719 Comments made, only 672 displaying
  • August 3.2010: 724 Comments made, only 640 displaying
  • August 4.2010: Should be 733 comments made but now says 642 made and only 639 displaying.
  • August 5.2010: Should be 733 made but now says 642 made and only 613 displaying.

Is there a Gremlin eating my comments?

Thanks for your help,

Sage Spencer

Next Blogum: August 2010

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