Sunday, March 09, 2014

Jewelz & Foolz 2014: Delayed

If you are reading this..
First of all “Thank you”
Second “I apologize for wasting your time” Smile!

2014 – Delayed

If you are reading this,  then this years annual
column has been delayed.  It is usually posted the day after International Women’s Day, which would mean it would have normally posted on March 9. 2014.
This year 2014 will be my sixth annual naming of Jewelz & Foolz. 

My first five Jewelz & Foolz postings can be found here:
2013: Jewelz & Foolz March 2013
2012: Jewelz & Foolz March 2012
2011: Jewelz & Foolz March 2011
2010: Jewelz & Foolz March 2010
2009: Jewelz & Foolz March 2009

What is the problem Sage? 

Funny you should ask…
SS_March2014_DeadComputerMy computer is well dead right now…dead dead dead, seemingly unlikely to be resurrected but I shall try. Truth is it has been dying in various respects for a while.  Each time I go shopping for a possible new computer my head hurts…badly.  I quite like computers but I don’t like buying them!!
I normally write this annual column at the last minute.  I know what you are thinking , Sage
procrastination is something best put off until tomorrow
You are correct but in this case it has always been an  intentional choice to write it this way.  It feels more genuine somehow but it also means I take my chances that something will go wrong and this year it has.
If you are reading this then I now have access to a computer so that is good news!
I will write this annual column next week to be posted this time one week after (instead of one day after as it normally is) International Women’s Day so barring a catastrophe it will appear on Sunday March 16.2014 by noon.

Je m’excuse!

God Bless!

I hope you were kind to women yesterday?

Sage Spencer

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