On the second season of 'Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution' airing Tuesday nights at 8PM ET on ABC, Jamie Oliver is having an even harder time than he did first time around in Huntington, West Virginia. Apparently the school system in the fattest city in America is more open to change than the Los Angeles Unified School District, the second-largest public school system in the United States.
So far the only toe in the door he has gotten is at West Adams Preparatory School who WANT him there but can only get him in the door to teach cooking classes because the school operates in partnership with the LAUDS. The Los Angeles Unified School District has forbid him from even entering the school cafeteria. If he violates the terms, West Adams Preparatory School risks loosing its funding.
Clearly the Los Angeles Unified School District fears bad publicity but just how bad is the food being fed to children in the Los Angeles Unified School District if they are THAT afraid of Jamie Oliver?
If you need to send the police to keep kids from a guy wanting to feed them vegetables, what the hell are you feeding children in Los Angeles?
Next Blogum: May 2011
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